Monday, May 28, 2012

State Fair adventures

We actually made it to the state fair this morning. Wasn't to busy when we got there about 10:30 am but by the time we left at 2 it was starting to get busy. Last day of the fair for this year. Amazing how expensive it can be out there but at least this year we came home with some stuff to show for the money spent. Got a really cute wallet, a couple tank tops, yeah I know its almost winter, oh well. And a free t-shirt for filling out a survey while there, now that was nice. free always nice.
We took picture while out there but still not real sure how to get them on here guess I could play with it til I figure it out.
And the new picture on my profile are some cupcakes that I made.

We saw the miller race car when we stopped at McDonalds this morning before we went to the fair. Got pictures of it as well.
If anyone can tell me how to get pictures on these posts I would appreciate it. Thanks.
Well everyone have a goodnight, gonna go to bed soon...

can't remember what the date was on this but decided I would post anyway.

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